Stratygrafia muszlowców amonitowych (jura górna - berias) sukcesji czorsztyńskiej pienińskiego pasa skałkowego


  • Jan Kutek
  • Andrzej Wierzbowski


STRATIGRAPHY OF AMMONITE COQUINAS (UPPER JURASSIC - BERRIASIAN) OF THE CZORSZTYN SUCCESSION, PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT, CARPATHIANS Summary An enlarged list of Tithonian ammonites found in the Rogoźnik Coquina Member in the Rogoża klippes near Rogoźnik is presented (Fig. 1, Tables I - II); as a result of new findings of ammonites, the interpretation of the boundary of the hybonotum and darwini Zones is slightly modified with respect to that given in an earlier paper by the authors (11). The succession of ammonites in the Rogoźnik Coquina Member at Stankowa Skała is described for the first time (Figs 3-4). Ammonite assemblages corresponding to the hybonotum, darwini and semiforme Zones have been recognized; presence of two index species, Semiformiceras darwini (Neum.) and Virgatosimoceras albertinum (Cat.) is worth of note. Stratigraphic correlations of several lithostratigraphic units are discussed and shown in Figure 4. The Early (and Middle) Tithonian ammonite assemblages of the Czorsztyn Succession are interpreted as typical of the northern margin of the Tethys, and biogeographical affinities between the Late Jurassic ammonite assemblages of the Czorsztyn Succession and coeval assemblages from epicratonic realms of Central Europe are pointed out.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia