Ocena wprowadzania formalnych jednostek litostratygraficznych do praktyki geologicznej w latach 1975-1985


  • Stanisław Orłowski


EVALUATION OF EFFECTS OF INTRODUCTION OF FORMAL LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS TO GEOLOGICAL PRACTICE IN THE YEARS 1975-1985 Summary In 1972, the Committee of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences appointed the Working Group on the Polish Stratigraphic Terminology, consisting of ten researches from various geological centers in the country. The Working Group compiled the first Polish stratigraphic code. The text of the code was the subject of numerous and vivid discussions in geological communities and its final version was published in 1975 under the title "Principles of Polish stratigraphic classification, terminology and nomenclature''. Ten years after publishing the Polish stratigraphic code, the country geological conference was organized. One of the major purposes of the conference was to evaluate the effects of introduction of the stratigraphic code in geological practice. A special attention was paid to lithostratigraphy since the greatest changes in respect to the previously accepted procedure have taken place in that particular field. The paper discusses organizational measures and informational activities of the successor of the W or king Group, i.e. Stratigraphic Commission of the Committee of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which were aimed at introduction of the stratigraphic code to the geological practice as quickly as possible. At that time the Commission regarded a ten-years period as long enough to achieve that goal. After that decade an - attempt is being made to evaluate results of introduction of the code to the geological practice throughout the country. At present, the general state of matter does not seem satisfactory and there is still a lot of work to be done in order to have stratigraphic subdivisions for all parts of the country matching the requirements of the code. In the conclusions we may state that the stratigraphic code has successfully passed practical test and should be consistently introduced to the geological practice. Eventual modifications, which might be introduced to the second edition of the code, should be primarily aimed at amelioration of the first one.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia