„Oznaczanie wieku bezwzględnego": trzy słowa - trzy nieprawdy


  • Jan Burchart


"DETERMINATION OF ABSOLUTE AGE": TREE WORDS – TREE MISSTATEMENTS Summary The phrase is misleading and conveys a false message. What is determined is not an age, but isotopic ratios which are not absolute by virtue of their dependence on an initial value and on thermal and chemical history of the system. Moreover, usually the value calculated (a model age) represents not an age of a mineral but a cooling age. Differences in sensitivity and detection threshold of various sensors used by various methods, as well as slow transfer of heat, result in difficulties of correlation of plutonic processes with biostratigraphic scale. Tuffitic intercalations in sedimentary series, being a point contact of magma tie processes and sedimentation, seem to offer the most valuable data to construct a new Time Scale.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia