Wyniki zastosowania metody odejmowania pól przy poszukiwaniu szybików poeksploatacyjnych


  • Marek Juszczak


RESULTS OF USE OF THE METHOD OF SUBSTRACTION OF FIELDS IN SEARCH FOR ABANDONED EXPLOITATIONAL SHAFTS Summary The paper presents results of use of the field subtraction method in electrical resistivity profiling. I decided to use this method in the profiling taking into account positive results of its application in electrical resistivity soundings. The method has been applied to locate ancient post- exploitational shafts in the Upper Silesia. The measurements were made using two measurement systems: a) symmetrical, and b) medial gradient. The obtained results show possibilities of practical use of the method. However, further theoretical and practical studies on the method appear necessary, similarly as construction of special measuring apparatuses.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia