Zmienność składu izotopowego węgla rozpuszczonego w wodach węglanowych Wyżyny Lubelskiej


  • P. Staniaszek
  • A. Trembaczowski
  • J. Lis
  • J. Szaran
  • S. Hałas


VARIABILITY IN ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF CARBON DISSOLVED IN CARBONATE WATERS IN THE LUBLIN UPLAND Summary A brief review of results of 13C/12C investigations on carbon-bearing waters is given. The investigations showed that the bulk of δ 13C values of carbon dissolved in carbo11ate waters fall within a narrow range, from 12 to - 15‰ This may be explained by assuming inflow of CO2-rich water from soil zone to a carbonate aquifer, followed by dissolution of carbonate aquifer rocks under open or closed conditions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia