Niektóre nowe zagadnienia paleogeografii osadów kredy górnej i paleogenu w rejonie Gniew-Piekło-Malbork


  • Krzysztof Wrotek


SOME NEW QUESTIONS CONCERNING PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE UPPER CRETACEOUS AND PALEOGENE SEDIMENTS IN THE REGION: GNIEW-PIEKŁO-MALBORK Summary Within the frame of the Geological Institute mapping programs, the Author carried out dateil surveys in the Gniew-Malbork area in the years 1979-1982. Numerous new boreholes (including 6 samples and studied by the Author) were analysed and correlated. The obtained data indicate marked deformations of top surface of the •Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). This casts new light on distribution of Paleocene - Montian and Oligocene strata. It should be emphasized that the strata are macroscopically similar despite of differences in age. This makes borehole columns covered by detail biostratigraphic studies important for further analyses of geological structure of this area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia