Problemy geologicznego rozpoznania mineralizacji cynowej w Paśmie Kamienieckim


  • Jan B. Tomaszewski
  • Eugeniusz Janik


GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF SURVEYS ON SN MINERALIZATION IN THE PASMO KAMIENIECKIE RANGE Summary In the vicinities of Krobica there has been found Sn mineralization in micaceous-chlorite-quartz schists with garnets, belonging to the Izera metamorphic area. The mineralization is related to two irregular zones impregnated with cassiterite (upper, "N", and lower, "S"), striking W-W and dipping at the angle of about 50° to the north. A highly complex form and geological structure of that deposit and marked variabilities in mineralization are discussed with reference to results of some dozens of exploratory drillings. The results of former surveys are critically reviewed and a project of further ones, adjusted to specific nature of the deposit, is proposed on the basis of detailed analysis of the available data. It is shown that the exploitation should be carried out in a few steps, to make possible easy identification of most promising areas for more detailed surveys and, therefore, quick section of the optimum mining area. The necessity to conduct further exploration by the method of underground mining works is emphasized. Such method will make possible obtaining more accurate data for compilation of geological characteristics of the deposit as well as more reliable estimation of its economic value. Moreover, the exploratory mining works will make it possible to start exploitation of the ores immediately when such decision is taken.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia