Wpływ parametrów rozstawu pomiarowego na wartość prędkości składania Vs
INFLUENCE OF SEISMIC SPREAD PARAMETERS ON STACKING VELOCITY VS Summary A new type of seismic velocity has appeared since the common reflection point stacking technique has been applied. It is referred to as the stacking velocity. The stacking velocity is a mathematical quantity which has no physical significance but is very useful for seismic interpretation. Its value is connected both with parameters of the ground and of a seismic spread. A relationship between stacking velocity and the length of a spread, or between stacking velocity and an offset to the nearest detector is discussed. A measure of the velocity heterogenity of the ground above the reflector, referred to as the velocity heterogenity factor, is included. It has been shown that the classification of seismic spread as long or short should take into account not only length spread - depth ratio but also the velocity heterogenity factor. Such information about the relation between stacking velocity and parameters of a seismic spread can be extremely useful for detailed velocity determination.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia