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DISCOVERY OF OIL DEPOSIT IN THE COURSE OF SEARCH FOR COPPER ORES Summary A new oil deposit of marked economic value, Borowiec deposit, has been discovered in the north-westernmost part of the Lubin-Głogów Copper Region. The deposit, discovered in the course of testing. the Main Dolomite horizon (Zechstein), is a successive find of hydrocarbon accumulations made by the Geological Institute within the frame of search and docuinentation of solid minerał raw materials in western part of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. So far the program of complex, overall tests for all the potential raw materiał deposits in a given borehole column resulted in discoveries of one oil deposit, two oil deposits with gas cap, 3 gas deposits, and several uneconomic hydrocarbon accumulations.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia