Przejawy mineralizacji w Marcinkowie (metamorfik Śnieżnika)


  • Krystyna Wołkowicz


SHOWS OF MINERALIZATION IN MARCINKÓW (ŚNIEŻNIK METAMORPHIC COMPLEX, SW POLAND) Summary The material from the dumps in Marcinków has been studied. The following minerals: pyrite, arsenopyrite, gersdorffite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena and freibergite occur in form of incIusions and nests in the quartz, quartz-fluorite and quartz-calcite veins. Individual stages of mineralization are separated by the catacIasis. The mineralization, most probably of the Variscan age, has been formed from the hydrothermal solutions (containing among others: Sb, Ag, F, As) enriched in the mineral components leached from the ore-bearing metamorphic rocks. Impregnations of pyrite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, i1menite, sphene, rutile, marcasite and graphite occur, namely, according to the lamination in the rocks, as paragneisses and mica schists. Genetically this mineralization is connected with the metamorphic development of the rocks. Covellite, chrysocolla, cerussite and goethite have formed at the hypergenic stage.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia