Stan i perspektywy opracowania Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski w skali 1 : 50 000


  • Jerzy Fortuna


THE STATE AND PERSPECTIVITES OF COMPILATION OF THE DETAIL GEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND IN THE SCALE 1: 50,000 Summary The major tasks and priorities in activity of the Geological Survey include compilation and editing the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1: 50,000. The map is compiled taking into account results of geological mapping, supplemented by drillings, geophysical surveys and laboratory studies. The whole edition comprises surveys and laboratory studies. The whole edition comprises 1025 sheets, published in 200 copies each. The final publication of each sheet of the map comprises a colour geological map with accompanying cross-section and stratigraphic column, and explanatory note with review geological sketch map in the scale 1: 200,000 and geomorphological, geological subcrop, mineral raw materials distribution, hydrogeological, and geological-engineering sketch maps in the scale 1 : 100,000. The maps are at present compiled by the Geological Institute and 17 other research institutions but the institute acts as the only publisher and coordinator responsible for the whole mapping project. First sheets of the map were published in 1954. Up to the present, 247 sheets of the map have been completed. Of these, 139 (that is 56%) have been completed in the last ten years, and 213 others are currently at various stages of compilation. The works became markedly intensified in the last years, which made it possible to pass about 20-25 sheets each year to the editors. This means that the w hole project will be completed in the years 2020-2025 but there are currently analysed the possibilities to complete about 30 sheets per year and, thus, to finish the mapping project earlier.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia