Potrzeba sporządzania oraz zarys metodyki opracowania map jakości, zagrożeń i ochrony wód podziemnych


  • Krystyna Kowalewska
  • Aleksandra Macioszczyk
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


NEED FOR PREPARATION AND APPROACH TO METHODS FOR MAPS OF UNDERGROUND WATER QUALITY, IMPENDENCY AND PROTECTION Summary Need to take up studies oriented on preparation of groundwater quality, vulnerability and conservation maps, covering the whole country area, arises from progressiv deterioration of natural environment, including groundwaters. Problem complexity as well as necessity of essential unification require to elaborate guide-line to the country- wide uniform methodology. The paper presents proposed guide-lines to such maps construction without, however, final determination of their detailed content. Such maps should be prepared at small or large scale regarding to the purpose, respectively. At the background of present-day existing hydrogeological studies, authors present an opinion that maps construction of 1 : 200 000 and 1 : 50 000 scale is the most required at the first step. Content of a map should be fitted to the scale, groundwater environment and economic features of the region. Principal information on groundwaters and their aquifers, which should be presented on every map, may be classified according to the following topics: 1) quality, 2. vulnerability and pollution, 3) protection and conservation (i.e. delineation of aquifers or their fragments as well as formulation of rules and restrictions addressed to land and groundwater use). Construction of large-scale maps should be preceded by hydrogeological and environmental mapping.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia