Problem najwyższych jednostek tektonicznych w Tatrach


  • Andrzej Iwanow


PROBLEM OF HIGHEST TECTONIC UNITS IN TATRA MTS. Summary Problem of upper tectonic units above the Krizna nappe ones in the western Tatra Mts. (between the Kościelisko and Chochołów Valleys, and the state border) is discussed in the paper. The Koryciska unit, built mainly of the Wetterstein-dolomite lies above the Choc-type Siwa Woda unit, what is documented among others by its tectonic onlets. Relations between the Furkaska unit and the Koryciska unit remain still unclear. The Furkaska unit and the Koryciska unit, being two scales of the same nappe are derived surely from the northern outskirts of the Silicicum zone. Their subordination to the Strazov nappe in the sense of D. Andrusov is very probable. Final solution of this problem, requires comparative studies in the Slovak Innern Carpathians. The Upłaz scale which contains Jurassic hierlatz lilllestones and red fillamentous limestones belongs surely to the Choc nappe similarly as the Kończyste scale and the Brama Kantaka scale. There is emphasized the necessity of elaboration of the common Polish-Slovak studies program seems necessary. An appointment of the common Polish-Slovak workgroup would be desirable for the solution of the question of the highest tectonic units in the Tatra Mts.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia