Nowe pomniki przyrody nieożywionej na Pojezierzu Suwalskim i ich ochrona


  • Andrzej Ber


THE NEW GEOLOGICAL MONUMENT S IN THE SUWAŁKI LAKE REGION AND THEIR CONSERVATION (NE POLAND) Summary As a result of Polish Geological Institute activities in 1995 and an inestimable assistance of the voivodeship authorities, the following sites within the Suwałki Lake Region were protected: Szwajcaria near Suwałki site: There are 2 trenches, protected by roofs, where the organogenic lake sediments of the Eemian Interglacial (peat, gyttia and silt) are uncovered (fig. 2, cover photo). The interglacial Lake sediments are overlained by till of the last, Vistulian Glaciation (see cover photo). Żubryń site: Represents the push moraine sediments glacitectonicly disturbed (fig. 3). According to results of the strike and dip measurements the ice - sheet pressed the above mentioned sediments from west to eastward. Posejanka site: Represents the dead-ice moraine (see cover photo). There are uncovered sands, gravels, boulders and meltouttills of the calm, glacial accumulation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia