Warunki sedymentacji serii fosforytonośnych górnego albu i cenomanu rejonu Gościeradów-Salomin (NE obrzeżenie Gór Świętokrzyskich)


  • Andrzej Kuhn
  • Antoni Pizon


SEDIMENTATION CONDITIONS OF PHOSPHATE-BEARING SERIES OF UPPER ALBIAN AND CENOMANIAN IN THE GOŚCIERADÓW- SALOMIN REGION (NE MARGIN OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS) Summary The paper presents an attempt to interpretation of genesis of the Albian phosphate rocks in the Gościeradów - Salomin region based on the modified hypothesis of ascendant currents. The occurrence of phosphate rocks is connected with the Middle Albian transgression, that induced a system of ascendant currents activating biological life on the shelf. As a results the biogeochemical cycle of the phosphorus processing begun causing the phosphorus precipitation in shape of compounds cementing clastic deposits. At the same time conditions introduced for deposition of glauconite, that occurred to be one of the main components of the deposit. The most favourable conditions for phosphate rocks precipitation seem to exist after the main phase of transgression in the period of stagnation and in the beginning of regression. Upheval of anticlinal islands and shallowing the basin towards the end of Upper Albian enabled phosphate materials to be processed and redeposition. Boundaries of sublithoral and perilithoral zones were the favourable areas for accumulation of phosphate intraclasts. In Cenomanien and Turonian the development of phosphorus-bearing series stopped due to changes in environment and sedimentation conditions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia