Wadyczne osady węglanowe w utworach czerwonego spągowca rowu Sławkowa


  • Mariusz Paszkowski


THE ROTLIEGENDES VADOSE CARBONATE DEPOSITS OF THE SŁAWKÓW TROUGH Summary The Sławków downfaulted trough margined to the northeastern Upper Silesian Coal Basin is filled with the Rotliegendes continental formations. These include: the Karniowice travertine, the -Myślachowice fanglomerate- type calciferous conglomerate and the pyroclastic materiał known as the Filipowice tuff. In all the lithofacies the author stated the presence of sedimentary wadi-type carbonate material. There are caliche-type calciferous covers, fossil cave formations and sediments of ephemeral playa-type or pond-type basins. These formations documented the sedimentary discontinuity periods a long subaerial (or partly subaeiral) exposition of the surface. Predomination of the caliche-type facies or karst-facies in the said formations show climatic fluctuations in the Rotliegendes epoch. The fluctuations may be of local or global influences connected with the Gondwanaland glaciation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia