Sedymentologia fliszu warstw krośnieńskich okolic Soliny


  • Paweł Brański


SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE KROSNO BEDS FLYSCH IN THE SOLINA REGION Summary The examined area includes the northern part of the Solina Flood in the Bieszczady Mountains in the Central Carpathians Depression. The deposits exposed represent mainly a part of the Krosno beds and are younger than the upper Jasło Schists (upper Oligocene). The 2 km continuous profile of classical turbidity rocks with numerous sedimentary structures such as flute casts, cabbage leaf structures crescent marks, longitudinal ridges, groove casts, bounce casts, prod casts, current ripples, load casts, convolution folds and others could be observed along the Flood shore. As a result of detailed examination of lithological sedimentary features and quantitative analysis of particular turbidity sequences three formation complexes were distinguished. The first complex represents proximal or normal flysch deposits with dominant cycles Ta/e, Tabcde, Tab, Tabc (consisting 64% of separated measures of the complex). The second complex represents distal flysch deposits with dominant cycles Tcde, Tde, Tc/e (85% of separated measures of the complex). The third complex consists of very thick wholly non-textural sandstone beds and originated as a result of intensive increased activity of catastrophic factors. With reference to submarine alluvial fan model it can be stated with some prudence that the complex I would correspond with deposition lobes of external parts of a middle fan, the complex II would be correspond with, either intra-channel subfacies of the middle fan or with subfacies of an external fan. The complex III undoubtedly consists of channel subfacies of the earlier state of sedimentation. In lithological complexes I and III trace fossils are rare or absent at all. In complex II however, they occur abundantly, but with a low taxonomic diversification. Measurements of transport directions are comprised in the range azimuth of 205-230° thus it is probably the direction descedant in relation to the main paleocurrents. The turbidity formations examined were accumulated in rather shallow basins (200-600 m) with noneuxinic features. They were accumulated • in the final stage of fullfilling the Carpathian geosyncline during increased seismic activity.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia