Kreda jeziorna wskaźnikiem rozpoczęcia holoceńskiej wymiany wód podziemnych


  • Krzysztof Petelski
  • Andrzej Sadurski


LACUSTRINE CHALK AS AN INDEX OF ONSET OF HOLOCENE GROUNDWATER EXCHANGE Summary The knowledge of time of onset of ground water circulation after the Last Glaciation is highly important for studies on paleohydrodynamics, paleohydrochemistry, and analysis of evolution of groundwater reservoirs. It is also needed in analysis of possibilities of renewal of groundwater resources in individual hydrogeological regions. The paper presents an attempt to determine the time of beginning of groundwater circulation, made on the basis of analysis of chemical composition of lacustrine sediments • from northern Poland. The starting point for this study was the analysis of behaviour of carbonate system of groundwaters under conditions of changing temperature, pressure, reaction of water and potential of solvability from the time of deglaciation up to the present.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia