Chemizm wód podziemnych północnej części obniżenia podlaskiego na tle elementów paleohydrogeologii plejstocenu


  • Zenon Duchnowski
  • Tomasz Michalski


GROUNDWATER CHEMISTRY IN NORTHERN PART OF THE PODLASIE DEPRESSION AT THE BACKGROUND OF MAJOR FEATURES OF PLEJSTOCENE PALEOHYDROGEOLOGY Summary The paper presents an attempt to explain origin of chemical composition of groundwaters with the reference to process of cryometamorphosis. The thickness of permafrost layer is shown to be at least over 500 m in times of the Last Glaciation. With reference to the shape of the pressure surface in Paleozoic strata there is put forward a hypothesis that axial part of the Podlasie Depression is nowadays affected by subsiding movements.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia