„Datowanie" wód podziemnych chlorem-36


  • Jan Dowgiałło


CHLORINE-36 "DATING" OF GROUNDWATERS Summary 36Cl is one of radionuclides originating in the atmosphere, as a result of nuclear reactions induced by cosmic rays on its components, which subsequently reaches groundwater. Its half-time is 301 thousand years which makes it possible to identify waters which infiltrated during the Pleistocene or even earlier. Possible underground production of 36Cl must, however, be taken into account. The very low 36Cl/Cl ratio (about 10-15) requires a very precise apparatus to be used for 36Cl determinations. It includes an electrostatic tandem accelerator which allows the separation of atomic and molecular isobars of 36Cl. The paper contains a brief description of the apparatus and presents the principle of samples preparation. Examples of conclusions which could be drawn from 36Cl measurements of 36Cl in groundwater (a.c. in Australia and Canada) suggest, that such measurements could help in solving some hydrogeological problems in Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia