Ocena bazy zasobowej piasków formierskich w Polsce


  • Irena Olkowicz-Paprocka
  • Monika Błaszak


ESTIMATIONS OF THE MOULDING SAND RESOURCES IN POLAND Summary Quartz sands and sandstones, called as moulding sands and used in • foundries, occur in several! geological formations in Poland and markedly vary in origin. The most important occurrences of such sands are known from the Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary and, partly, Jurassic. Some pre-Quaternary sands are of syngenetic type (continental or marine), and others - related to epigenetic processes (weathering and karst). Sands of continental origin are related to the Tertiary brown-coal formation. Marine quartz sands are known from the Jurassic to Tertiary, and those formed in result of weathering - from infills of karst forms of various size, mainly Tertiary and Cretaceous in age. Quaternary quartz sands, known from both the Pleistocene and Holocene, represent sediments of aggradational terraces, alluvial fans, rivers, and dunes. Distribution of poorly diagenesed Jurassic sands and sandstones appears limited to two areas: western part of the Cracow - Częstochowa Upland and north-western and north-eastern margins of the Holy Cross Mts. Cretaceous sands and sandstones are mainly known from the Tomaszów Basin and Lower Silesia (Krzeszówek region), and the Tertiary ones - almost from the whole country but mainly Lower Silesia, Konin - Koło - Turek region, Pomerania, Świniary - Tarnobrzeg region, Roztocze, and southern part of Lublin region. So-called natural sands, with content of cement rising up to 35% (in comparison with up to 2% in the above mentioned), represent a separate group of the moulding sands. The sands, Cretaceous and Tertiary in age, form infills of karst depressions in Upper Jurassic limestones . in the Częstochowa - Zawiercie region. Quaternary sands usable for moulding purposes were up to the present found in southern Poland only. Up to the present 67 deposits of moulding sands have been demonstrated in Poland. Total resources of these sands are estimated at 292,880,000 t (Table I, Figs. 1, 2) and there are possibilities of their marked increase. The deposits may be treated as very large and, in connection with large demand for such material in Europe, there arise chances for export of moulding sands.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia