Zastosowanie metody znacznikowej w rozpoznaniu warunków hydrogeologicznych na przykładzie badań w rejonie Dolinki Służewieckiej


  • Wojciech Sołtyk
  • Jolanta Walendziak


THE USE OF TRACERS IN STUDIES ON HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS AT THE EXAMPLE OF THE DOLINKA SŁUŻEWIECKA AREA Summary Some aspects of use of traces method in evaluating kinetic parameters of groundwater flow are discussed at the example of studies carried out in area where the underground tunnels cut through strongly saturated Quaternary sediments. Simultaneous use of three tracers: fluoresceine, tritium water, and complex radioactive indium In-114m, made possible evaluations of real velocities. of water flow in lithologically different sediments of the Dolinka Służewiecka area. Practical methods of accurate and independent measurements of each of the used tracers in water are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia