Badania hydrowęzłowe na terenie Pola Mokotowskiego w Warszawie


  • Jacek Zajdel
  • Marian Zawadzki


PUMPING TESTS IN AREA OF THE POLE MOKOTOWSKIE PARK IN WARSAW Summary The Warsaw Branch of the Geological Enterprise of Water Constructions (Hydrogeo) carried out pumping tests to gather data necessary for proper dewatering of soil massif in the section B-11 of the underground line, made by shield method. An observation network comprising central abstraction well and 15 observatory ones was formed and hydrogeological parameters determined on the basis of results of continuous step tests and with the use of the Hantush-Walton method. The studies made it possible to outline some problems which may be encountered during dewatering works, and selection of efficient method of dewatering.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia