Iniekcyjne wzmacnianie i uszczelnianie gruntów przy budowie metra


  • Ryszard Borys
  • Stanisław Żak


THE USE OF STABILIZING INJECTION TECHNIQUES IN CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNDERGROUND Summary Construction of a shallow underground in Warsaw requires introduction of some new technologies. The technology of injectional strengthening and sealing of soils may serve as an example here. It is of special importance in the case of works carried out along the first underground line, i.e. in Pleistocene sediments mainly developed as tills, fluvioglacial sands and ice-dammed lake clays and silts, strongly and irregularly interfinging. When sands are treated by the classic injection method, it becomes possible to eliminate disadvantageous effects of the construction works and subsequent operation of the underground on both engineering structures and natural environment. This method has been used with positive results in several cases by the Institute of Geotechnics of the Wrocław Polytechnical Institute.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia