Geologiczno-inżynierski przekrój wzdłuż I linii metra w Warszawie


  • Marian Perek


ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL CROSS-SECTION ALONG THE FIRST LINE OF THE WARSAW UNDERGROUND Summary Along the first line of the Warsaw underground, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments highly differing in lithology and origin and the mode of distribution occur in depth zone down to 30 m, that is the zone affected by works connected with construction of tunnels (depths from 9.0 to 15.5 m). The oldest of these sediments, mottled lacustrine clays of the Pliocene age, are mainly found in Śródmieście and some places in Żoliborz. In tum, Pleistocene sediments are traced along the whole length of the line. The latter include South-Polish. Glaciation tills, found in some places in Służew and Żoliborz only, fluvial sands of the Masovian Interglacial, known from southern part of the underground line (from Kabaty to Goszczyńskiego Str.), ice-dammed lake clays and muds and mainly fluvioglacial sands and gravels and tills of the Mid-Polish Glaciation, predominating along the whole line, and silty clays, sandy silts and fine-grained sands of the Eemian Interglacial, recorded in areas of the Plac Komuny Paryskiej Square and Wawrzyszew (A-22) station. The enclosed section shows the youngest Holocene sediments (sands, muds, and peats) in the Dolina Służewiecka part only. Such soils are also known from the area of Żurawia and Stawki Streets and Plac Komuny Paryskiej Square but their knowledge is still insufficient to show them in the section. Uncontrolled covers were traced from Domaniewska Str. to Bielany. A subsidence of terrain surface may be expected in some sections of the underground line due to prolonged intense dewatering related to tunelling works. The hazard seems the highest in the case of the Al. Niepodległości section (Mokotów) and in some places in Śródmieście and Żoliborz.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia