Analiza widmowa emisji akustycznej dolomitów i piaskowców Legnicko-Głogowskiego Okręgu Miedziowego


  • Hanna Mazurkiewicz


ANALYSIS OF SPECTRUM OF ACOUSTIC EMISSION OF DOLOMITES AND SANDSTONES FROM THE LEGNICA-GŁOGÓW MINING AREA Summary The paper presents results of acoustic emission (AE) spectrum analysis of the signals generated in the process of deformation of fifty dolomite and sandstone specimens from the Legnica-Głogów Mining Area. The rock specimens were subjected to an uniaxial, compressional stress until failure. Received spectra contain maximal values of each spectral component amplitude of all AE signals recorded in equal time intervals. These time intervals are at least one order of magnitude shorter than the loading test duration for each specimen. The AE spectrum evolution in different, following strain stages was studied and interpretation of results was given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia