Wpływ metodyki opracowywania danych analitycznych na atestowane wartości stężeń we wzorcach składu chemicznego próbek geologicznych


  • Piotr Janko


METHODICAL INFLUENCE OF PREPARED ANALYTIC DATA ON ATTESTED CONCENTRATION IN STANDARDS OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GEOLOGIC SAMPLES Summary Analitycal data for two standard reference samples (ilmenite-magnetite ore IMJ and anorthosite AnK) from over 30 laboratories were handled by different schemes of mathematical data processing. Scheme accepted by the Permanent Board of Geology of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), S. Abbey's "Selected Laboratories" method and Hodges-Lehman's method were applied. Principles of S. Abbey's method were discussed in more detail. Found differences were only in few cases statistically significant, mainly due to broad confidence intervals.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia