Dynamika rozwoju leja depresyjnego w systemach wielowarstwowych przy eksploatacji ujęć wód podziemnych
DYNAMIC OF DEVELOPMENT OF DEPRESSION CONE IN MULTILAYERED SYSTEMS DURING EXPLOITATION OF GROUND WATER INTAKES Summary The paper presents formulae that describe dynamics of water influx to intakes in homogeneous and layered hydrogeological systems. This process is expressed by varying depression in the same layer and in the accompanying layer, and by evolution of extents of pumping influence. Discussion of the idea of radius of pumping effect ex tent has been done. It was emphasized to be a non-univocal conception against a theory of well dynamics if inert properties of hydrogeologic system are neglected. A need of application of stipulated term of real radius of pumping effect extent is accepted. Outside this extent the depression is already a thousand times smaller than in the intake itself and supplies a well with less than 5% of water. It was underlined that comparison of real and observed values of depression around the intake with the ones calculated from definite formulae, forms a good test to present a scheme of hydrogeologic conditions of the studied system.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia