Właściwości ceramiczne surowców zastoiskowych okolic Łodzi


  • Edward Miziołek


CERAMIC PROPERTIES OF ICE-DAM DEPOSITS FROM THE ŁÓDŹ REGION Summary Varying lithologic properties of ice-dam deposits from the Łódź Region result from facial differentiation of analysed sediments. No connection was found between age and lithology, mineral composition and therefore deposit properties. The latter depend on grain size and mineral composition, mainly from contents of clay fraction and CaCO3 in the sediment. Qualitative mineral composition of described deposits is almost stabile and generally, the same minerals (illite, beidellite and chlorite) were recognized. Noted variation was due to change in quantitative relations between individual minerals and depend mainly on grain size composition. Small surface extent of ice-dam sediments, represented usually by silts, does not constitute a promising deposit basis for the industry of building ceramics in the Łódź Region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia