Właściwości mineralogiczno-chemiczne i termiczne iłołupków karbońskich z Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Józef Stolecki


MINERALOGIC-CHEMICAL AND THERMIC PROPERTIES OF CARBONIFEROUS CLAYSLATES FROM THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary The paper presents mineralogic, chemical and thermic properties of samples of bare inter-coal rocks from the Lublin Coal Basin. Studies were concentrated on rocks that directly accompany the balance beds of hard coals and constitute their top and bottom. Besides the studies dealt with interbeds of bare rocks within the coal seams. From a petrographic point of view these rocks were found to be of sedimentary origin and composed of clayslates with different admixture of coal matter (shales and claystones), siltstones, seldom of sandstones and clayey siderites. Mineral composition of claystones is predominated by clay and non-clay minerals. Amongst clay minerals a principal role is played by kaolinite. Illite forms an admixture. Besides there are also minerals of the montmorillonite group. Non-clay minerals are predominated by quartz and coal substances. Feldspars, pyrite, siderite and dolomite are accessory minerals. From a chemical point of view the analysed clayslates contain much Al2O3 and indicate considerable burning loss. Thermic properties indicate that analysed deposits show a wide interval between caking and melting temperatures. Properties of clayslates from the Lublin Coal Basin were also compared with the ones of similar rocks from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Particularly their properties were compared at a background of home classification of brick clays.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia