O strukturach tektonicznych w dolomitach kruszconośnych w kopalni Pomorzany (olkuski rejon złóż Zn-Pb)


  • Stanisław Kibitlewski
  • Ewa Górecka


TECTONIC STRUCTURES IN ORE-BEARING DOLOMITES FROM THE POMORZANY MINE, OLKUSZ REGION OF ZN-PB DEPOSITS Summary A review of tectonic structures within Tertiary sediments, mainly ore-bearing dolomites, was done in excavations of the Pomorzany mine (Fig. 1). Variability of bedding (Fig. 2), fissures (Fig. 3), faults and breccias were recorded. Numerous deposit and mining problems can be solved if studying the fissure structures. The latter are represented by a thick pattern of joints, joint-cleavage and irregular fissures. Directions of investigated fissures are similar to the ones noted by other authors in Triassic sediments of the whole Olkusz area. Investigations of tectonic features can play an important role in understanding of some deposit processes as well as in practical solving of exploitation problems. Carried investigations indicate that there is quite a distinct dependence of location and morphology of caverns filled with dolomitic-mineral breccia (karstic breccia) and of joint azimuths (Figs. 4 and 5). A connection of Zn-Pb mineralization is also indicated with certain systems (groups) of tectonic fissures. All these data enable to postulate a further and systematic structural analysis of Zn-Pb deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia