Hydrodynamiczne warunki depozycji rud Zn-Pb w rejonie olkuskim


  • Maria Sass-Gustkiewicz


HYDRODYNAMIC CONDITIONS OF DEPOSITLON OF ZN-PB ORES IN THE OLKUSZ REGION Summary Considerations in the paper result in a conclusion that mineralized solutions while moving within a limestone massif, transform its structure due to a karstic dissolution of rocks. It results in more and more different conditions of flow of solutions that result in turn in changes of physical and cheroical parameters of sulphide deposition. In this case the solution itself transforms the conditions of its own flowage due to karstic properties of carbonate rocks. The other conclusion can be drawn too, saying that deposits of metasomatic ore deposits have developed together with deposits of initial and mature karst due to the same deposit-creative process. The latter is to be defined as the epigenetic one in relation to the surrounding rocks whereas its phases created a single inseparable (in a genetic sense) composition.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia