Prawidłowości występowania mineralizacji Zn-Pb w utworach młodszego paleozoiku NE obrzeżenia GZW
REGULARITIES IN OCCURRENCE OF ZN-PB MINERALIZATION IN SEDIMENTS OF THE UPPER PALEOZOIC, NORTHEASTERN MARGIN OF THE USCB Summary Symptoms of zinc-lead mineralization of the "Mississippi Valley" type in the Lower Paleozoic sequence of the northeastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin coexist many a time with mineralization of Triassic deposits but are different from the latter by a more complex occurrence of ore nests. Known up to the present regularities in occurrence of such mineralization (structural, paleogeographic, mineralogic and geochemic ones) allow to define the factors that influenced its development and geometry of ore nests. Zn-Pb mineralization in sediments of the Upper Paleozoic is the epigenetic one. A decesive role in its formation was played by exogenic factors as paleogeography, paleohydrogeology, paleokarst and climate. It has probably developed independently on mineralization in the Triassic series and during an earlier evolutionary phase of the province although the mechanisms of development of both mineralizations were similar. Forms of described ore bodies are different from the ones of the Triassic sequence. They are determined by a more complex system of traps. Location of mineralization in anticlinal structures in subsurface zones of the pre-Triassic relief is an important exploratory criterion. The latter delimits the area of exploration as well as the depth of studies during the works.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia