Szanse odkrycia złóż rud metali w starszym podłożu paleozoicznym NE obrzeżenia GZW
POSSIBILITY OF THE ORE DEPOSITS DISCOVERY WITHIN THE OLDER PALEOZOIC ROCKS, NE MARGIN OF THE USCB Summary Noted occurrence of Cu and Mo mineralization in the Early Paleozoic sequence of the northeastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin belongs to porphyry and skarn type deposits. Composition of magmatic rocks in this area is typical for the rocks, the porphyry Mo-W deposit s are connected with. Contents of Sr, Rb, Cu and Pb in these rocks are located within the limits that are typical for the molybdenum-bearing rocks. The found vertical zonality of mineralization of Cu-Mo-W is typical for porphyry deposits of molybdenum. Noted features of magmatic rocks and associated mineralization indicate a possible occurrence of low-F type molybdenium deposits. The presence of numerous crossing dislocations near the geofracture Zawiercie-Rzeszotary creates favorable condition for a development of magmatic processes and mineralization as well as for location of deposits. Found mineralizations symptoms in borehole sections occur in zones of varying lengths. Ore zones surrounded by mineralization areas of lower metal contents were distinguished when accepting the boundary equivalent value of Cue equal 0.3% (Cue = Cu% + 0.3 Mo%). Ore sections are grouped in certain zones, for which ore-bearing coefficients change from several to over l 00%. The low-F deposits of Mo are usually very poor. The depth at which the mineralization symptoms are noted, may determine a profitability of several zones only (instead of the whole body of poorly mineralized rocks) due to their mineralization rich enough and suitably great thickness. We should therefore expect a very unstable deposit, composed of numerous ore bodies, elongated in agreement with mineralized fissures. Studies of occurrence model of mineralization seem therefore useful by boreholes grouped in zones where rich mineralization has been noted.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia