Przejawy mineralizacji wolframowej w paleozoiku NE obrzeżenia GZW


  • Jadwiga Ślósarz


SYMPTOMS OF TUNGSTEN MINERALIZATION IN PALEOZOIC SEDIMENTS, NORTHEASTERN MARGIN OF THE USCB Summary First recapitulation is presented of all data on tungsten mineralization in Paleozoic rocks between Cracow and Myszków. Such symptoms are noted in anticlinal structures buried by the Mesozoic complex. They are composed of Devonian or Early Paleozoic rocks. The tungsten mineralization is connected with granite diapirs (granodiorites, granodioriteporphyries) and their metamorphic mantle. The mineralization is of the Variscite age as indicated by K-Ar datings (5) and geologic circumstances (6). Two mineral parageneses were distinguished. The quartz-tungsten one occurs in the Pilica area (Fig. 1). Wolframite coexisting with scheelite are the main minerais of this paragenesis (Fig. 2). Such mineralization is of high-temperature type and with a rich association of ore minerals (Table l). Occurrence of this paragenesis is limited to two borehole sections. The other, molybdenum-scheelite paragenesis is of a considerably greater extent. It was noted in several boreholes in the Myszków area (Fig. 1). Stockwork is the mineralization feature. Scheelite that coexists with molybdenits (Fig. 3.1) and chalkopyrite form the main tungsten mineral. The molybdenite-scheelite paragenesis belongs to the one of mineralization stades studied in the Paleozoic section of Myszków. This mineralization was included into the porphyry copper formation (6). Comparison of geologic and mineralogic features of tungsten mineralization from the Myszków section (Table II) was compared with tungsten deposits (Climax type and quartz-monzonite type). Similarities with deposits of the second type were noted, defined also as porphyry deposits, connected with low-fluoric magmatic complexes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia