Pole gazu ziemnego "Przemyśl" oraz perspektywy poszukiwań złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego w rejonie przemyskim


  • Bolesław Cisek
  • Józef Czernicki


THE NATURAL GAS FIELD "PRZEMYŚL" AND OIL AND GAS PROSPETTING IN THE PRZEMYŚL AREA Summary In the paper of structure of gas fields in Przemyśl region and the economical significance of the bas and associated waters are treated. Noteworthy is as extraordinary quality of high-metane and high-caloric natural gases of the "Przemyśl" field, lacking any harmful admixtures. Perspectives of further oil and gas prospecting in the Przemyśl region are presented. Most promising are: autochtonous Miocene deposits to the north of the Carpathian and Stebnice overthrusts (the Tołwiński's Line), in the top below those overthrusts, in the shallow and deep structures of Carpathian Skole Unit, as well as in the basement of the platform. Searching of Borysław- Doliny- Bitków-type deep-seated elements is also mentioned.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia