Dotychczasowe wyniki i dalsze perspektywy poszukiwań węglowodorów we wschodniej i środkowej Polsce


  • Piotr Karnkowski


PAST RESULTS AND FURTHER PROSPECTS FOR HYDROCARBONS IN EASTERN AND CENTRAL POLAND Summary The pa per presents prospects of occurrence and possible discovery of natural oil and gas deposits in eastern and central Poland. They consider the Cambrian sediments of the Łeba Elevation, Peribaltic Syneclise and Podlasie Basin, the Devonian and Carboniferous sediments in the Lublin-Warsaw and West Pomerania Basin, as well as the Permian and Mesozoic sediments in the Kłodawa region. The paper particularly exposes the new results of geologic prospecting works from the Lublin Graben (discovery of a gas deposit at Ciecierzyn) and also in the Warsaw Basin where numerous local seismic structures (previously unknown) were discovered. It seems quite probable that they contain deposits of hydrocarbons. Amongst the very interesting newly discovered structures there are also objects noted within sediments of the main dolomite complex near Grudziądz and a Mesozoic feature within the Triassic sequence in the Krośniewice-Kłodawa area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia