Nowa interpretacja morfologii i facji najwyższego czerwonego spągowca obszaru przedsudeckiego
A NEW INTERPRETATION OF TOPOGRAPHY AND FACIES OF THE UPPERMOST ROTLIEGENDES IN THE FORE-SUDETIC AREA Summary The paleotectonic analysis applied to the Upper Rotliegendes deposits (understood as separate allostratigraphic units and previously subdivided into three sedimentary cycles caused by the Saalic diastrophism) allowed not only to render the paleogeography of the basin but also to describe the sedimentary processes which took place in particular parts of the Permian basin in Middle and Northern Europe. In the present paper the method of the paleotectonic analysis has been demonstrated with regard to the final stage of the Saxonian sedimentation (the IIIrd cycle) when the sedimentary conditions were almost equal all over the early-Permian basin although the sedimentation was continued in few subbasins situated on different levels. Basing on the thickness and distribution of two typical fragments of the IIIrd cycle which are known as strictly homogenous deposits of fluvial, eolian or lacustrine facies, it becomes possible to define the desert sedimentary environment precisely. The proposed interpretation of the Upper Saxonian topography and facies allowed to present the third paleogeographic image of the Fore-Sudetic area during the final phase of the Upper Rotliegendes. The former interpretations have been discussed, too (J. Pokorski and Polish-Soviet crew). The new one presises different paleogeographic units of the final Upper Rotliegendes known from several former papers. The distribution of the Uppermost Rotliegendes eolian deposits has been presented for the first time. In the eastern as well as in the western-marginal parts (facies) of the Middle European early Permian basin there are widespread eolian sandstones of dune origin.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia