O sedymentacji dolnopermskich łupków walchiowych z Ratna Dolnego (depresja śródsudecka)


  • Stanisław Wołkowicz


ON THE SEDIMENTATION OF THE LOWER PERMIAN WALCHIA SHALES FROM RATNO DOLNE (LNTRA-SUDETIC DEPRESSION) Summary Basing on the lithologic features the four different comp1exes have been separated within the described section of the lithostratigraphic column. The 1st complex was accumulated in littoral environments and on the coastal plain. The IInd one, situated above, was formed mainly in pelagic anoxic zone as well as in pelagic oxic one. The IIIrd complex was accumulated in littoral environments, coastal plain, sporadically in alluvial fans (silty-sandy deposits) as well as in pelagic oxic and anoxic zones (claystones and limestones). The IVth complex which completes the sequence of Walchia shales from Ratno Dolne was deposited usually in anoxic pelagic environment and unusually in oxic pelagic one. Total thickness of all four complexes varies from 250 to 280 meters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia