Sufozja a efekt geotermiczny w osuwiskowych utworach fliszowych


  • Andrzej Kotyrba


SUFFOSION AND GEOTHERMAL EFFECT IN LANDSLIDING CARPATHIAN FLYSCH ROCKS Summary The paper deals with theoretical fundamentals of an application of geothermal method to investigation of suffosion phenomena occurring in landsliding areas of Carpathian Flysch. The factors influencing the temperature in subsurface ground in mountain and submountain areas likewise the development of suffosion phenomena are described. Geophysical model describing the mechanizm of suffosion phenomena is built and connected geothermic effects are shown. In second part of pa per some examples from terrain geothermic measurements performed on southern slopes of Wieliczka valley are shown. In conclusion some remarks are drawn out in order to further applications of subsurface temperature measurements to examination of suffosion phenomena likewise criterions for interpretation of geothermic data. The measurements of ground temperature can be used for geotechnical forecast of the intensity of suffosion phenomena affecting an area. The high values of horizontal temperature gradient indicate the zones of circulation of subsurface water being . the main factor commencing suffosion mechanism. That parameter can be used to forecast performance. An inventory of existing suffosion holes in ground usually unvisible can be carried by analysis of the distribution of relative anomalies of ground temperatures. In presented examples those anomalies ha d sign "+" (increased values) and relative intensity in maximum of the order l°C.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia