Przejawy mineralizacji kruszcowej w utworach podpermskich perykliny Żar


  • Jacek Królikowski


SHOWS OF ORE MINERALIZATION IN PRE-PERMIAN ROCKS OF THE ŻARY PERYCLINE Summary The paper presents results of studies on ore mineralization in pre-Permian rocks of the Żary Pericline, south- western Poland. The mineralization appeared to be the richest not in granitoids or volcanic rocks but rather sedimentary ones. Ore minerals occurring in sedimentary rocks were found to be of detrital, diagenetic, post-magmatic- hydrothermal, and hypergenic origin. The mineralization of the post-magmatic-hydrothermal type was shown to be the richest qualitatively and quantitatively. Two mineral parageneses differing in the range of temperature of origin were identified. Moreover, barite and fluorite occurrences of the vein type were found in sedimentary rocks. According to the Author, the occurrences should be treated as related to the Variscan Gubin granitoid intrusion. The attention is also drawn to the role which could be played by deep waters in processes of leaching of metals from Rotliegend and Carboniferous rocks and origin of Zechstein mineralization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia