Rola brachiopodów inarticulata w stratygrafii najniższego ordowiku Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Wiesław Bednarczyk


THE ROLE OF BRACHIOPODS IN STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWEST ORDOVICIAN OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary A review of the brachiopods inarticulata was done in the light of the last studies of the lowermost Ordovician strata and its fauna in the Kielce region (Holy Cross Mountains). Revised list of inarticulata consists of 25 species belonging to about 18 genera. Main of them are shown on the table in this paper. On the basis of inarticulate brachiopods in the profiles of the Zbilutka and Koziel beds of the Kielce region distinguished the Lepternbolon zejszneri Zone and two subzones: the Thysanotos siluricus Subzone (lower) and Conotreta Subzone (upper) (cf. tab.; 6, 9). The Thysanotos siluricus Subzone coresponds to the Zbilutka beds, and the Conotreta Subzone - to the Koziel beds (cf. tab.). The results of the last researches of conodonts fauna from the chalcedonites of the Zbilutka beds (10, 11) indicated, that lower part of the Zbilutka beds can be correlated with the Paltodus varanguensis Subzone ( 43) that coresponds to the Upper-Tremadocian-Varangu Member in Estonia (25, 33) and to the Ceratopyge stage in Scandinavia (24). The Paltodus deltifer Subzone (=Upper part of the Paltodus deltifer, 30) one should correlate to the upper part of the Zbilutka beds, and to the Klooga Member of the lower part of the Leetse Formation (B1aa2) or to the lowest part of the Hunneberg stage in Scandinavia (24, 32, 33). The Koziel beds in this case should be correlated to the Joa Member, B1aa2,(33) or to the upper part of the Hunneberg stage in Scandinavia (24). The Bukówka beds (cf. tab.) involving conodons of the Paroistodus Zone (cf. tab.) may correspond to the Billingen stage in Scandinavia (24) and to the lower part of the Toila Formation = the Maekula Member in Estonia (32). Some species of the Holy Cross Mts inarticulata belonging to the Czech fauna and Czech province e.g. Lepternbolon insons, Rosobolus ? cf. robertinus, Orbithele contraria, Celdobofus mirandus etc. (cf. tab.) make possibilities to correlate the main part of the Zbilutka beds to the Milina Formation (upper part of Tremadocian in Czech, 21, 23), and the uppermost part of the Zbilutka beds and the Koziel beds to the lowermost part of the Klabava Formation Arenigian in Czech, op. cit.) (tab.). The observations of the distribution of the lower Ordovician fauna (inarticulata and others groups also, cf. 9) in the profiles (sections) of the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains indicate the correlation between the Kielce region and Bohemia or Mediterranean Province. The above mentioned connexions decreasing during the Ordovician period (9, 21), but inversely an influence of the anglo-scandic faunistic province increased (9, 24, 35, 36, 37).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia