Kambr w Górach Świętokrzyskich


  • Stanisław Orłowski


THE CAMBRIAN IN THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary In the Holy Cross Mts outcrops of Cambrian rocks comprise about a half of those of the Paleozoic. The Cambrian has been identified in this region almost a hundred years ago (Gurich 1892), and the Lower Cambrian - over 70 years ago (Samsonowicz 1918). The works carried out by Samsonowicz (1918) and Czarnocki (1919) initiated modern studies on the Cambrian of Poland, which resulted at present in establishing lithostratigraphic units in accordance with the stratigraphic code (1975), and paleontological analyses of trilobites, hyolites, brachiopods and other fossils. The Figure presents a synthesis of stratigraphy of the Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mts.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia