Rola tektoniki w kształtowaniu się warunków hydrogeologicznych w obszarze lubelskim


  • Aleksander Zwierzchowski


THE TECTONICS ROLE IN FORMATION OF THE HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON THE LUBLIN AREA Summary This article contains the results of the author's investigations on the connections between tectonics and geohydrologic conditions from the Lublin Coal area. The depositional cover development in the Phanerozoic was linked with seasonal occurring of the horizontal compression and tension together with primary wrench faulting of the cristalline basement on several parallel deep fault structures with NW-SE (WNW-ESE) directions. At the end of any tension event, in the effect of transtension, the deep fault structures reflected on the peleorelief surface. The hydraulic permeability of the deep fault structures was tied with the tension stages, occurring in the terrigenous infiltration periods. Such stage exists recently from turn of the Tertiary and Quaternary. It is proved by the spatial hydrostatic pressure distribution (the water level uprising within greater parts of the deep fault structure areas) and the general water mineralization (predominance of water freshening within the deep fault structure range). The descension prevails on the most part of the deep fault structure range and the dislocations drain the first aquifer, later they supply laterally the deeper horizons depending on their filtration properties. The ascension prevails in the deep fault structure areas with unpermeable cover at the top (glacial tills and weathered clays). The vertical component of water movement dominates on eastern part of the LZW, but horizontal one- on western part. The Polesie Lubelskie in Poland and Polesie Wołyńskie in Soviet Union are the main water source areas for the Mazowsze basin. These described geohydrological processes ruled the spatial differentiation of the LZW geomorphology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia