Zastosowanie metod geostatystycznych do badania złóż kruszywa naturalnego


  • Marek Nieć
  • Zbigniew Kokesz
  • Michał Gientka
  • Maria Dolik


APPLICATION OF GEOSTATISTICAL METHODS TO THE STUDY OF NATURAL AGGREGATE DEPOSITS Summary Statistical and geostatistical methods were applied to the study of parameters variations of two natural aggregate deposits: Potasznia III and Rybaki II. The both deposits, situated in northern Poland, are of fluvioglacial origin formed during the last (Baltic) glaciation. Notrandom component consists considerable part of thickness total variations of the both deposits. The parameters that charakterise aggregate quality are randomly varied. Sometimes only a weak unrandom component can be recognized. Variograms are a usefull tool for presentation of deposit parameters variations. The rules of application of statistical and geostatistical methods for elaboration of exploration results were presented. Block kriging can be successfully applied for reserve estimation of natural aggregate deposits. It was found that in the case of the both deposits studied the net of boreholes with the smaller density could be sufficient for deposit evaluation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia