Dokumentacja geologiczna złoża kruszywa naturalnego ze wspomaganiem komputerowym (na przykładzie


  • Zbigniew Kokesz
  • Maria Dolik
  • Jan Rolewicz


COMPUTERIZED DOCUMENTATION OF NATURAL AGGREGATE DEPOSIT RZEWNIE Summary Computers allow to improve elaboration of results of deposit exploration presented in geological documentation of the deposit Especially statistical and geostatistical methods of data elaboration can be introduced to it. These methods were applied for description of parameters variations of natural aggregate deposit at Rzewnie. They allow to apply kriging for mapping the deposit parameters (preparation of isoline maps), delimitation of deposit contours and reserve estimation. The own software for IBM XT/PC was used. Geostatistic methods allow to evaluate relative error of reserve estimation in particular blocks of the deposit. It is the most valuable achievement of kriging application to reserve calculations and it makes possible reserve categorization based on quantitative measures of their estimation accuracy.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia