Astroblem Kościerzyny


  • Stanisław Doktór
  • Marek Graniczny
  • Robert Kucharski


KOŚCIERZYNA IMPACT STRUCTURE Summary The ring structure (approximately 28 x 40 km) was interpreted on the Landsat satellite images near Kościerzyna (northern Poland). Although the origin of such ring structures is subject to much debate S. Doktór and M. Graniczny have suggested that described phenomenon was the result of a large meteorite impact. The Kłodawa borehole situated at the margin of the Kościerzyna ring structure encountered an iron-stony meteorite at the depth of 242,5 m. The comprehensive analysis of the retnotely sensed as well as geophysical and geomorphological data has revealed that meteorite probable hit the ice-surface during the recessive phase of the Baltic glaciation (late Pleistocene).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia