Pomiary infiltrometryczne jako podstawa oceny udziału wód rzecznych w zasilaniu ujęcia drenażowego Reda-Pieleszewo


  • Barbara Janik
  • Andrzej Kowalik
  • Marek Marciniak


INFILTROMETRIC MEASUREMENTS AS AN ESTIMATION BASE OF THE QUOTA OF RIVER WATER IN THE FEEDING OF THE DRAINAGE INTAKE REDA-PIELESZEWO Summary In the present paper, structure and work of infiltrometer, constructed in the Geological Firm from Gdańsk is presented. Theoretical foundations and example of calculation algorithm, as well as error discussion are given. Eleven series of infiltration measurements realized in the Reda-Pieleszewo drainage intake are presented. Results of infiltrometer measurements and calculations are compared to results obtained by other methods. It allowed a precise estimation of river water's contribution to the horizontal drain of Reda-Pieleszewo intake.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia