Strefa mineralizacji ilmenitowej Strzegomiany- Kunów w intruzji gabrowej Ślęży w obrębie ofiolitu Sobótki (Dolny Śląsk)


  • Leszek Jamrozik


STRZEGOMIANY- KUNÓW ILMENITE MINERALIZATION ZONE IN THE ŚLĘŻA GABBRO INTRUSION WITHIN SOBÓTKA OPHIOLITE (LOWER SILESIA) Summary In the Sobótka ophiolite (the biggest ophiolite of the Sudety region) an ilmenite mineralization zone named Strzegomiany- Kunów zone was discovered. This zone occupies a topmost part of the Ślęża gabbro intrusion. The most intensively mineralized fragment of this zone has probably a shape of 80 m thick horizon with 15/25 orientation and dimensions 6000 m x 250 m. In the western part of studied area this horizon was geophysically documented. The mineralized zone is builded of ophiolitic diallagous gabbro and the mineralization has a magmatic character of ilmenite-magnetite composition. The content of ore minerals ranges at about 20 rock volume % and 20-30 rock weight %. TiO content ranges from 5.00% to 6.64%. A model of Ślęża massif is presented. Generally, the massif represents non-deformated gabbroid stratified intrusion ("cumulate"). The exposed fragment belongs to a marginal zone of the intrusion and it constitutes about 25-30% of the whole intrusion's volume.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia