Nowe odkrycia złóż gazu ziemnego i dalsze perspektywy badań we wschodniej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego w Polsce


  • Józef Czernicki
  • Stanisław Radecki


NEW GAS DISCOVERIES AND PERSPECTIVES OF FURTHER SEARCH IN EASTERN PART OF THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP IN POLAND Summary Intense prospecting works carried out in Polish part of the Carpathian Foredeep in the last 40 years resulted in discovered of numerous gas and oil fields. Several dozens of gas fields, very often of the multihorizon type, were found in the Miocene, and six oil fields in the basement. Moreover, some oil shows were reported also from the Miocene. The paper presents detail characteristics of about 20 gas fields discovered in the last years in eastern part of the foredeep. The gas fields are related to autochtoneous Miocene. The geological setting was found to be varying from ine field to another and lithological-structural conditions appeared to be the dominant factor in their origin. The analysis of prospecting works performed so far confirmed marked significance of seismic data and showed necessity to apply computer processing techniques in further seismic surveys. New analytical, geophysical and geological reports dealing with this part of the foredeep are discussed. In this review attention is especially paid to continuous (without faults) structural-tectonic interpretations. The necessity to introduce modern methods and techniques in prospecting is emphasized and their characteristics are presented. In summing up it is stated that we may speak about the beginning of a qualitatively new phase in prospecting in the eastern Carpathian Foredeep which promises discoveries of new gas fields in the near feature.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia